Make your payments on time. Automatic deduction is the best and easiest way to ensure that your payments are timely. The amount is automatically deducted from your account on the day you specify. This eliminates the possibility of mail delays or forgetting to obtain a money order or cashier's check on time. Missed payments can result in being dropped from the Debt Management Program.
Review your creditors' statements. It is your responsibility to check your statements to see if creditors have reduced interest rates and waived fees (if applicable), and to see that your payments are being applied correctly. Keep your statements organized for quick reference.
Do not make payments directly to your creditors. Send all payments, including any late or extra payments through the Debt Management Program. If you decide to pay your creditor directly, they may elect to drop you from the Debt Management Program and reverse your benefits.
Do not apply for or accept any additional credit. We know credit offers can be tempting, but opening new credit will hinder the success of your program. In fact, doing so could result in your disqualification resulting in loss of benefits. Remember, you're trying to get out of debt, not increase it!
Keep your personal information updated. Keeping your personal information current will enable the Debt Management Program to provide the best possible service. Contact the Debt Management Program immediately with any changes to your name, address, telephone number, or email address.
Never miss or make a late payment. Doing so could risk your benefits, your reduced interest rates may be increased, late fees could be imposed, and you can risk being dropped from the program.
Contact our office (insert link).
Complete DMP submittal (insert link)